So its been a long time since I properly updated the blog, but the way things stand I am still drowning in work and problems. So my solution was to throw up some photos of the christmas period so you can see what has been happening.
For the last month my main focus has been on getting us all through Christmas while Sam was on holidays and then focusing on Peter and his cancer. Added to all this we are sorting high schools for the kids which is a nightmare, expensive and hard work. I was warned January is a busy month but its crazy!!! Finding out that the Burns Night Ball fundraiser in Edinburgh was cancelled was like being hit by a train, the whole day I felt lost, disppair and tired that we seem to be facing more challenges, one after the other, its times like that when you just want to win something, one victory over one problem. But in that case I suddenly felt this huge burden fall back on my shoulders and with a fragile emotional state at the moment it was the worst timing.
But I need to soldier on, there is big work ahead and the next few months are serisouly important. We are close to signing the agreement for purchasing land which is a big step, we need to find the £180,000 and fast, without the ball this is going to be so much harder, but we can do it, its sooo important and definately the right step and the key to our future.
There is updated news about Peter, today is his birthday, but we had some tough news yesterday at the hospital, hard to digest and I don;t think it has really sunk in. I have written it in his medical profile, I have updated the whole thing so please do read it. You can download it here and see what is going on:
Its going to be tough and next week will tell us a lot about Peter. Please do pray for us, especially Peter. Thank you for the support and encouragement. I have not been able to keep up with much comunication this last month, just making short replies, but I really appreciate it. PLease keep finding out about Peter that definately helps me!! The thing that has amazed me is how hard it is to support him as a parent in the hospital, each time he has a lumber puncture you wait in the waiting room praying things are ok but knowing he is scared and in pain, then you need to pick up his spirits when the tears well up in his eyes as he gets tired of nurses and doctors constantly prodding and sticking needles in him, then trying to communicate in simple terms whats happening to him. But what has amazed me even more is just how hard true parents woudl have to work with a child with cancer. At the end of the day I go home at night, sleep in my bed, and a volunteer or lillian stays with him, while he is at cheryls and not in the hospital others are making sure he is ok, I am in awe of parents when there is only the 2 of you and you are taking care of a sick child, the emotional energy, the ability to keep going, that is awe inspiring and I realise that even when I struggle there are others working so much harder than me, they are the inspirational ones. The first time Peter went to hospital the girl next door must have been about 3 years old, stick thin, struggling with pneumonia. The mum was working each day, the dad was in the hospital for 2 weeks solid, 24/7, he was a hero, he nursed her, fed her, changed her, i admired his strength and ability to keep going and I am reminded I must trudge on, no matter what challenges we face, because sooner or later we will win one of these things!!
Hey Kieren
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update on all that you're doing. We're praying and hoping for Peter. Hope your back is improving too.